Everyone is entitled to a secure environment where they are able to realise their potential and enhance their livelihoods individually and communally. Unfortunately, despite this constitutional guarantee, many Kenyans in different parts of the country live in fear not knowing about their security.

While addressing insecurity, it is necessary to consider the underlying issues besides the obvious visible criminal elements. In doing so, it is evident that various underlying causes of insecurity are linked to environmental degradation and climate injustice. The indirect link is where due to prolonged droughts and extended dry spells, rural folks, particularly youth, are forced to move to urban centres in search of a living. The over population in cities and towns then leads to criminal activities when the youth are unable to finds employment. They join criminal gangs which contribute to rising insecurity levels.

Another clear climate justice concern that contributes directly to insecurity is droughts and famine. These natural calamities dry up rivers, lakes and pasture forcing pastoralist communities to move to other new areas where they then clash with farming communities. In various parts of the country, reports of clashes pitting people with herders leading to cattle rustling are common. The clashes lead to loss of lives and property as well as operations by security officers where unfortunately further violations are noted. The same situation is witnessed in fishing sites where fish stocks dry up due to environmental degradation such as mangrove deforestation.

Article 42 of the Constitution of Kenya provides that “every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment”. From the foregoing, there is a clear connection between environment and security. For one to address insecurity there is therefore need to also advocate for climate justice. It is in this background that HAKI Africa, a leading human rights organization working to promote and protect the right to security has made a conscious decision to address environmental matters and support climate justice in various parts of the country. The Climate Justice for Human Security Project deals with this matter.